Confused about the Traditional Japanese Calendar?
Use this Date Converter to Translate Japanese to English Dates. Consider it our Japanese translator gift to you!
There are 2 different calendars used in Japan. Although the Western (Gregorian) calendar system ( 西暦 seireki) has been widely adopted since it was introduced to Japan in 1873, a separate and distinct calendar system is also in parallel use, one which is based on the reign of Japanese emperors.
The Japanese calendar system works differently to the Western calendar system; as each time a different Emperor takes the throne, the era is given a new name and the counting of years begins again from year one.
Here are useful conversion tables you can translate between the traditional Japanese and Western calendar systems:

Why would you need to use calendar converters like these? In our experience, clients looking for koseki tohon translation (also known as Japanese Family Register translation) use these to clarify the dates that appear on their documents.
Tom Nelan- B.C.L., B.B.S. (M.K.T.), (New York Qualified Lawyer).
Mitsuko Miyake Nelan- B.A. Japanese Literature: Chofu University, Tokyo.
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